We are a Military and First-Responder family.
We believe in our Veterans and First-Responders and honor their sacrifice.
We believe in the value of our local communities.
We vehemently support the 2nd Amendment as a Right, not as a privilege.
The organizations we have support to-date include (* denotes Veteran/First-Responder support organization)
*Delta Waterfowl - Delaware Chapter Annual Banquet
*Easton Volunteer Fire Departmant Golf Tournament
*Hassler's Helping Hands of America Inc. Annual Fundraising Banquet
*Queen Anne/Hillsboro Volunteer Fire Despartment Annual Fundraiser
Ruritan Breast Cancer Awareness Sporting Clays Tournament
Talbot County Farm Burea Annual Banquet and Fundraiser
Tri-County Ruritan Annual Sporting Clays Tournament
We also our the proud to sponor a shooting team:
Tuckahoe Shooting Team